Friday 16 December 2016

Fluid Mechanics Important Question Bank For GTU Preparation

                 Fluids Mechanics Question Bank

Chapter – 1         Fluids

Q 1.What is fluid mechanics? Explain different types of fluids In brief.

Chapter –2         Hydrostatics
Q 1.What is manometer? Explain u-tube manometer.
Q 2.What is the function of Differential manometer? Explain inverted u-tube manometer with proper figure.
Q 3.Write the types of mechanical gauge. Explain brief both. 

Chapter – 3                   Total Pressure and Centre Of Pressure

Q 1.Definitions 
                     1.Total pressure 
                     2.Centre of pressure 
                     3.The pressure diagram 

Q 2.Derive the equation for total pressure force on a horizontal plane surface. 
Q 3.Derive the equation for total pressure force on a vertical plane surface. 
Q 4.Derive the equation for centre of pressure for vertical plane surface .
Q 5.Derive the equation total pressure force on an inclined plane surface. 
Q 6.Derive equation for centre of pressure  on an inclined  plane surface. 
Q 7.Derived equation of total pressure on  curve surface.
Q 8. Explain practical application of total pressure on vertical surface
                                     1. For dam 
                                     2. For lock gate

Chapter – 4                      Buoyancy and Floatation

Q 1. What is force of buoyancy or up thrust. Explain buoyancy force of whole submerged body by using of Archimedes principle. 
Q 2. Write a short note on metacentre and metacentric height 
Q 3. Explain stability of submerged body 

Q 4. Explain stability of floating body explain determination for metacentric height
               1) analytic or theodotical method
                2) experimental method 
Q 5.Derive the equation of time period of oscillation (oscillation of float body)of body.

Chapter – 5               Fluid Kinematics

Q 1. What is fluid kinematics? Explain the different types of fluid flow.
Q 2. Explain the Reynolds’s experiment with proper figure.
Q 3. Define:- Stream line, Stream tube, Path line, Streak Line.
Q 4. Write the statement of continuity equation & derive the Continuity equation.
Q 4. Derive the continuity equation applicable to study one dimensional flow of incompressible flow.
Q 5. Derive the continuity equation for three dimensional flow. Which is applicable for all types of fluid.
Q 6. Write a short note on rotation flow.
Q 6. Write a short note on vorticity.
Q 7. Write a short note on circulation.
Q 8. Explain velocity potential function for irrotational flow of fluid.
Q 8. Explain velocity potential function for potential flow of fluid.
Q 9. Write a short note on :
1.  Stream function
2.  Equipotential line
3.  Steam line
Q 10. What is flow net? Derive the different methods of it with characteristics and application & limitation of flow net.
Q 11.  Write a short note on source, link & doublet.

Chapter – 6        Fluids Dynamics

Q1.Derive the equation of euler's of motion in fluid dynamics 
Q 2. Write the three major parts of Venturimetre. 
Derive the equation for rate of flow through Venturimetre .
Q 3.Explain pitot tube with neat sketch 
Q 4.Write a short note on “Rotameter” or “nozzlemetre”. 

Chapter – 7 & 8        Orifice and Mouthpiece & Notches and Weirs

Q 1. derive the equation of discharge through a large rectangular orifice. 
Q 2. Derive the equation of time for emptying the tank through an orifice metre. 
Q 3. What is the function of notch? Derive the equation of discharge over a triangular notch .
Q 14.Derive the equation of time required to empty a reservoir or tank with a rectangular Weir of notch .

Chapter – 9                        Flow Around Immersed Bodies

Q 1. Derive the equation for lift & drag.
Q 2. Define drag. Explain the types of drag.
Q 3. Explain the drag on an air foil.
Q 4. Write a short note on circulation and lift & on an air foil.
Q 5. Write a short note on Karman vortex trail for drag on a circular cylinder.

Chapter – 10             Compressible Fluid Flow
Q 1.Definitions 
1.Mach number 
2.Subsonic flow 
3.Sonic flow 
4.supersonic flow
Q 2.What is the function of compressible fluid flow.
Q 3.Derive the equation of Bernoulli's for adiabatic process.
Q 4.Derive the relation between
1. sound of velocity and bulk modulus 
2. Sound of velocity or adiabatic process 
Q 5. What is compressible fluid flow? Derive the relation of basic thermodynamics (pressure, volume and density, temperature 
Q 6. Derive the continuity equation for compressible fluid flow. 
Q 7. Derive the energy equation or Bernoulli's  isothermal process( adiabatic process) for compressible fluid flow. 
Q 8. Derive the equation for Velocity of sound wave( pressure wave) in fluid for compressible flow .
Q 9. Relations between 
                                    1) Velocity of sound and bulk modulus 
                                    2) Velocity of sound for isothermal process 
                                    3) Velocity of sound for adiabatic process                                 4) Velocity of sound, velocity of fluid and Mach number 


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